Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small, and often very sick. Three generations of my family have been affected. My twins were born 3 weeks early and are happy and healthy 11yr olds, because of good prenatal care and education. My sisters twins were born 7 weeks early, spent one month in the NICU, and are happy healthy 6mo olds today, because of the NICU care they received provided by the March of Dimes. And our mother was affected by Polio at 9yrs old. Thanks to the March of Dimes research they created the polio vaccine. Our family, including grandparents, and six healthy grandchildren will walk together on April 26, 2014 for the health all babies, because we want to find a cure and we need your help.
We only have a few short weeks until our event, please support our mission and make a secure online donation or join our team.
Click here for more info: March for Babies
Thank you for helping give all babies a healthy start!